Ines Caloisi European Strategy and development director Tia Formazione Italy Interested in Lead a project +4
Sana Cheruvallil PhD Student Coventry University United Kingdom Interested in Access to people and events
Elodie Lang codirector Chambre régionale de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire Nouvelle-Aquitaine France Interested in Access to people and events 1 project
Bohdan Rodyuk Chekan press secretary Коледж Василя Стуса Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +3
Nikola Stojadinovic Head of the Department for Planning and Monitoring Cultural Development City of Zagreb Croatia Interested in Join a project +3
Romeu Fazenda Chefe de Divisão Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco Portugal Interested in Lead a project +4
Vlado Damjanovic Global Partnerships & Business Development Beyond42 DOO Serbia New country Interested in Lead a project +3
Olena Persista головний спеціаліст Виконавчий комітет Павлоградської міської ради Ukraine New country Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Jan Rapan Vice president International Climate Adaptation Research Institute Slovakia Interested in Lead a project +2