Silvia Barbero associate professor Politecnico di Torino Italy Interested in Lead a project +1 1 project
Jan Kolonicny Researcher Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic Interested in Join a project +3
Iliana Philipova President Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Vratsa Bulgaria Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
May Britt Roald Program manager entrepreneurship Møre and Romsdal County Council Norway Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Laila Gercane Head of Department Vidzeme Planning region Latvia Interested in Join a project +3 1 project
Marta cabanas Director EIXO ATLANTICO DO NOROESTE PENINSULAR Portugal Interested in Lead a project +2 2 projects
Julio Delva Policy Officer Interreg Province of East Flanders Belgium Interested in Join a project +3
Rob Bakker Financial manager european projects Amsterdam Municipality Netherlands Interested in Lead a project +1
Amna Potocnik Project Manager Regional Development Agency Podravje - Maribor Slovenia Interested in Join a project +3 1 project
Dorothea Palenberg Managing Partner blue! advancing euoropean projects GbR Germany Interested in Find policy solutions +1
Tibor Polgár director Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. Hungary Interested in Lead a project +3
Delinke Bejczy director for transnational projects Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. Hungary Interested in Lead a project +4
Vincent O'Connell Secretary General Peri-urban Regions Platform Europe (PURPLE) Belgium Interested in Lead a project +2
Carmen Mier Director of the Office for European Projects Gobierno de Navarra Spain Interested in Join a project +2 1 project
Allan Nordby Ottesen EU consultant South Denmark European Office Denmark Interested in Lead a project +4