Sofia Figueiredo Coordinator Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) Portugal Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
JOLANTA JASINSKAITĖ Employment Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of The Republic of Lithuania Lithuania Interested in Access to people and events
Riikka Tanskanen International Project Specialist Itä-Savon Koulutuskuntayhtymä (Samiedu) Finland Interested in Lead a project +4
Thomas Brinks Investment and Business Development Bank Lower Saxony (Nbank) Germany Interested in Join a project +2
Bianca Buligescu Researcher III degree ACADEMIA ROMÂNĂ-Institutul de cercetare a calității vieții Romania Interested in Join a project +3
Constantine Iliopoulos Senior Researcher Co-opAbility Institute Greece Interested in Join a project +3
Livia Stefanescu ACADEMIA ROMÂNĂ-Institutul de Cercetare a Calitatii Vietii Romania Interested in Join a project +3
Michael Strähle R&D Coordinator Fachhochschule Technikum Wien Austria Interested in Access to people and events
Bogdan Cazacu Primăria Municipiului Chișinău Moldova New country Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Melanie da Silva Consultant Direção Regional dos Assuntos Europeus Portugal Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Anna SZEGVARI-MAS Project Manager Conseil Régional de La Réunion France Interested in Lead a project +3
Eline van der Ham Subsidy advisor Almere Municipality Netherlands Interested in Join a project +2 1 project