Ferenc Réder strategy officer Nemzeti Fejlesztési Központ Hungary Interested in Find policy solutions +2 1 project
Ioan Bica Profesor Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti Romania Interested in Find policy solutions
Julia von Gönner Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ Germany Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Anita Pajtler-Vintar Consultant for EU Funds Mestna občina Krško Slovenia Interested in Join a project +1
Alexandra cioc inspector de specialitate UAT Municipiul Ploiesti Romania Interested in Access to people and events
Marietta Le Budapest Főváros XII. kerületi Hegyvidéki Önkormányzat Hungary Interested in Find policy solutions +1
Yuriy Kostyuk Project manager Семенівська селищна рада Ukraine New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Kristian Østergaard Johansen Project Coordinator Aalborg Municipality Denmark Interested in Access to people and events 3 projects
Marco Maria Grande Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Italy Interested in Access to people and events
JON GONZÁLEZ MANCISIDOR European Fundings Technician Ayuntamiento de Bilbao Spain Interested in Lead a project +3
Tjasa Perkovic Head of Incentives Department Slovenski regionalni razvojni sklad Slovenia Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Carme PALAHÍ Tècnic de medi ambient Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Guíxols Andorra Interested in Find policy solutions +1