Generic organisation image Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques Belgium Prov. Namur Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +2
Generic organisation image Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ethiopia National public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Institut za informacione tehnologije Kragujevac Serbia Region Šumadije i Zapadne Srbije New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Asociatia Empower Plus Portugal Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Городненська сільська рада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Peipsi Koostöö Keskus Estonia Eesti Interest group Members are interested in Lead a project +2
Generic organisation image Asociación Cultural Ingalicia Spain Galicia Other Members are interested in Lead a project +1
Generic organisation image Δήμος Ρόδου Greece Notio Aigaio Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Березівська територіальна громада Ukraine New country Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Троїцька сільська територіальна громада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Пологівська міська рада Пологівського району Запорізької області Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Виконавчий комітет Саксаганської сільської ради Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Березівська сільська громада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Шалигинська селищна рада Ukraine New country Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Лиманська міська військова адміністраці Краматорського району Донецької області (Лиманська міська рада)) Ukraine New country Regional public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image TOKA Ventures United Kingdom International organisation Members are interested in Lead a project +3
Generic organisation image Calendbook SRL Italy Puglia Other Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image City Tre Srl Italy Lombardia Other Members are interested in Lead a project +2
Generic organisation image Bizrupt Greece Kriti Business support organisation Members are interested in Lead a project +3