ProACCIÓ Green, innovation for a green and circular economy
The ProACCIÓ Green program includes services, grants and activities to place sustainability, circular economy and innovation as strategic axes of Catalan SMEs.
AktiF and AktiF + is the employment programme. The aim is to promote employment in East Belgium. This means: 1. fight unemployment 2. increase employment
Twin Buildings Demonstrators for testing and monitoring Energy Efficiency and performance comparison
The construction of two twin buildings, serving as demonstrators, has allowed the improvement of the construction system for new social housing in Extremadura.
GENIUS – An Annual Conference on Gender Equality in Värmland
GENIUS is Sweden’s largest regional conference on gender equality. It is organised in Värmland once a year for people to meet, be inspired and make contacts.
Attraktionskraft Värmland – an investment to strengthen the future supply of skills
Attraktionskraft Värmland is a project where Region Värmland, cluster organisations and private sector work together to secure the future supply of skills.
The Green Deal on Circular construction (GDCC) mobilized 376 organizations to work together to embed circular construction as common practice in Flanders
An exploratory discussion club to bridge the gap between international job seekers and potential employers via boosting networking and Finnish language learning
A programme targeted towards developing customized career development tools and practices in order to turn career wishes into concrete plans and actions