Shopping and Medication Ready - free home delivery of groceries and medicines
Municipal free service to deal with the COVID-19, offering home delivery of groceries and medicines helping vulnerable people and reducing vehicular traffic.
Temporary cycle paths for the restart phase from the COVID-19 emergency
An Extraordinary Plan which provided the construction of 150 kms of temporary and permanent cycle paths along the main roads of the city and other key routes.
Development of a regional wide MaaS platform and three pilot websites / apps: NHS Tayside; Dundee and Angus College and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.
Account-based ticketing as an enablers for MaaS in the Province of Trento (Italy)
The implementation of a MaaS platform in the Trento region, with remote buying and validating tickets via app with specific bundles both for local and tourists
Practice to encourage home-work journeys made by bicycle by employees of companies / organizations / educational institutions in the territory of Reggio Emilia