Generic organisation image Radboud Universiteit Netherlands Gelderland Education and research institution Members are interested in Join a project
Generic organisation image Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών Greece Attiki Education and research institution Members are interested in Join a project +3
Generic organisation image Seetec Employment Skills Ireland Ireland Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions +1
Generic organisation image Seetec Employment Skills Irelad Ireland Interest group Members are interested in Find policy solutions +1
Generic organisation image Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn Germany Köln Education and research institution Members are interested in Access to people and events
Generic organisation image Primăria Comunei Sadu Romania Centru Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image EURAKOM France Nord-Pas de Calais Other Members are interested in Join a project +2
Generic organisation image Město Žďár nad Sázavou Czech Republic Local public authority Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image Užimtumo tarnyba prie LR SADM Lithuania National public authority Members are interested in Access to people and events
Generic organisation image Annette Sjöberg Sweden Other Members are interested in Find policy solutions +2
Generic organisation image Hydrogenerous ApS Denmark Midtjylland Other Members are interested in Join a project +3
Generic organisation image Laminak Energy France Bretagne Business support organisation Members are interested in Join a project +1
Generic organisation image Castroconsulting Business Strategy S.L. Spain Comunitat Valenciana Other Members are interested in Access to people and events
Generic organisation image ЛИБЪРТИ АП Bulgaria Interest group Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image GECT Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarre France Aquitaine European grouping of territorial cooperation - EGTC Members are interested in Join a project +3
Generic organisation image Itä-Savon Koulutuskuntayhtymä (Samiedu) Finland Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi Education and research institution Members are interested in Lead a project +4
Generic organisation image New Line Kft Hungary Budapest Interest group Members are interested in Lead a project +1