Programme manual 2021-2027 Interreg Europe programme manual and its annexes. Version 4, December 2024. Click Ctrl + F5 if you still see version 3. Téléchargement (2 Ko)
Task assignment letter template Template to report staff costs of the people working on Interreg Europe projects. Téléchargement (55 Ko)
Interreg Europe style guide The official style guide for the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 programming period. Téléchargement (395 Ko)
Guidance on writing for the web Guidance document for Project website admins on how to write articles for websites. Téléchargement (332 Ko)
Fraud reporting template For controllers to report potential or confirmed cases of fraud (appendix four of the programme manual). Téléchargement (53 Ko)
Good practice validation Good practice validation guidance note for projects. Version dated 26/10/2023. Téléchargement (492 Ko)
Project website user manual A user manual to help web admins edit their project websites. Téléchargement (1 Ko)
Interreg Europe subsidy contract Template of the 2021-2027 subsidy contract for information only. Version 2. Téléchargement (430 Ko)
Project partnership agreement template Template of the 2021-2027 project partnership agreement. Version 2. Téléchargement (68 Ko)
Risk based management verifications methodology The programme risk-based methodology version 1 from October 2022. Téléchargement (491 Ko)
Project branding guidelines A set of guidelines to follow to be in line with the Interreg Europe programme's requirements on visibility and communication for projects. Téléchargement (2 Ko)
Good practice template Working template of the Interreg Europe good practice submission form. Version from 2024. Téléchargement (61 Ko)
Annex II of financing agreement Public Procurement rules for partners from EU candidate countries Téléchargement (235 Ko)
Public procurement summary table Summary table of the procurement procedures included in Annex II of the financing agreement signed between the Commission, the partner states countries and the Managing Authority. Téléchargement (155 Ko)