The Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on how to support health-tech innovation and SMEs. Take a look at the recording, presentations and key learnings.
The Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on how regions can foster entrepreneurship through coworking spaces. Take a look at the recording, presentations and key learnings.
On 21 November 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on setting up regional funds with the European Investment Fund. Access the recording, presentations and the key learnings here.
On 7 February 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted the second episode of the Cultural and Creative Industries series: Towards a more social Europe. Watch the recording and explore the key learnings.
On 31 January 2023, the Policy Learning Platform hosted the first episode of Cultural and Creative Industries series. Watch the recording and explore the key learnings.
How can we build digital innovation hubs to accelerate the take up of digitalisation opportunities for companies? FInd out how it is possible with this article.
On 22 September, the Policy Learning Platform hosted a webinar on how to turn the theory of industry 5.0 into practice. Access the recording, presentations and key learnings here.
Watch the recording and access the key learnings from the webinar on financial instruments for the circular economy that took place on 1 February 2022.