SUMP Stakeholder Consultation for walking and cycling projects
Establish an effective LTP (SUMP) stakeholder engagement plan/process to underpin the development of a successful plan
10 mai 2018
Expert approved
2014 - 2020
Scaling SUMPs: the example of micro-SUMP in Lille (micro-PDU)
Lille Métropole introduced a concept of ‘subsidiarity’ to better tackle the local issues at the most relevant scale which sometimes is not the SUMP level.
50/50 energy-saving methodology- Saving energy in European schools
50/50 methodology aims to achieve energy & financial savings by sharing economic incentives from energy savings between schools (50%) and municipalities (50%)
Use of Biodiversity data in decision making: the SITxell Project
GIS scheme based on scientific information to be used in land planning at different scales to ensure conservation of natural values and sustainable use of land.