Database “Directory of Businesses, Establishments and Registers”
The directory of businesses, establishments and registers is the database that contains the basic information of the owners who carry out any economic activity.
Supporting SMEs Digitization with the Collaboration of Selected Stakeholders
Call for funding for digital innovation projects of SMEs involving (E)DIHs thanks to the requirement of a Digital Maturity Assessment supplied by them.
Open Data Smart City Poznan Application – Urban Data Integrator
Smart City services improves public services by allowing residents to report issues, submit feedback, and stay updated on city news through a digital platform.
“Stras’app” A service to simplify everyday life citizens
A service developed to simplify citizens about cultural/sports access, parking management, mobility, administrative procedures, reduce impact on the environment
The Digital, smart, sober and inclusive Smart Services Platform for Paris Region
Île-de-France Smart Services leverages data from public and private partners to develop innovative services, enhancing the region's appeal and sustainability
SMEs benefit from a cybersecurity diagnosis and detailed action plan based on 4 key analysis pillars. The diagnosis is financed by the "Diagnostic CYBER" grant.
Geographic open data set of roads and portals in Andalusia, with a topological structure, which allows locating in the territory any geographic object.