Fáilte Ireland's "Digital that Delivers" supports tourism businesses in enhancing their digital capabilities to attract and retain customers through technology.
Gender diversity, an asset for integration and inclusion
Partners in social inclusion sector in “Meuse” geographic department worked together to identify the obstacles and levers to gender equality in the workplace.
With innovation as the key to competitive advantage, many established companies struggle to keep pace with the rapid advancements. This challenge is particularly evident in traditional industries...
This award-winning good practice resulted in Lapland's entrepreneurship education strategy, Method Handbook, teacher-mentor network and an education programme.
Public-private collaboration to develop a broad green hydrogen ecosystem and roadmap in Mallorca
Using the power of public-private collaboration to improve the green hydrogen ecosystem in Mallorca and learn how to enhance SMEs' competitiveness in Mallorca
A real man (En riktig man) - A conversation box and an app about the view of masculinity in Värmland
In 2018, Region Värmland released "A real man" (En riktig man), a concept containing questions about masculinity to discuss with others or think about alone.
SG Cluster Hub empowers industrial clusters, EIPs and SMEs with blockchain-enabled Data Space and digital services for effective ESG strategy implementation
Public Call for Grants based on the Competitiveness of the Tourism Industry Program
Grants for increasing competitiveness of tourism through green and digital transition of restaurants, travel agencies, tour operators, and vessels for cruising.
This practice aims to reduce the marginalization of the elderly, helping them to acquire new knowledge and skills in the digital era through informal courses