"FV_Etxean": PV_at HOME
The main objective of "FV_Etxean: PV_at HOME" initiative to identify and develop different examples of photovoltaic installations on community dwelling roofs.
The main objective of "FV_Etxean: PV_at HOME" initiative to identify and develop different examples of photovoltaic installations on community dwelling roofs.
The use of its legal competence to encourage the installation of FV in the dwelling roofs and other type of construction, through updating the local ordinances.
A pilot installation of collective solar self-consumption located on the roof of two public schools, which supplies energy to vulnerable families.
The mayors, coming from SAŠA and Zasavje coal-intensive regions have signed an agreement establishing the Council of Mayors of coal-intensive regions.
The Pamplona solar map provides information on the potential of roofs and rooftops to produce photovoltaic solar energy and solar thermal energy.