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This page contains information on the project control system in Serbia. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Serbia.



Ministry of European Integration

Nemanjina 34
11000 Belgrade


Control system

This section provides information about the control system set up in Serbia for the 2021-2027 programming period.

The control system

Serbia uses a centralised control system.

Public procurement rules

Download the public procurement rules for partners from EU candidate countries.

Annex II of financing agreement

Public Procurement rules for partners from EU candidate countries

The control body

Address Contact

Ministry of European Integration (MEI)
Division for control of projects financed under the European territorial cooperation programmes with EU Member States
Balkanska 53, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia


Tijana Tašković
+381 11 765 2650

Nataša Pucelj
+381 11 765 2632

The costs

The Ministry of European Integration will not charge costs for control.

On-the-spot checks

The on-the spot verification will be carried out in accordance with relevant programme rules. 

At least one "on-the-spot check" will be carried out during the project lifetime in projects where partners report equipment and/ or infrastructure & works costs related to a pilot action

For projects not reporting pilot equipment/infrastructure costs, the necessity of the on-site visit will be established based on a risk analysis 


Get inspired

Have a look at the content on our website linked to Serbia. Scroll through our project ideas and good practices, or contact our community members and organisations from the country.

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