Public - private collaboration to buffer water against flooding and drought.
To prevent flooding and water shortage, farmers and the province are jointly investing in ‘small-scale controlled flooding areas’ connected to the waterway.
STRATEGAL - Public Private partnership for local development
Establishing STRATEGAL association for the elaboration of the Local Development Strategy to reduce the no of marginalized people through integrated measures.
BorgoTufi revitalized Castel del Giudice by transforming abandoned structures into a scattered hotel, promoting sustainable tourism and boosting local economy
Amendm.of 01.05.2024 Article 22.1 foresees to wind power plants(capacity1MWand more)make payments for installed total capacity for developm. of local community
Methane and Hydrogen blend for public city transport bus
MHyBus (LIFE+) project tested the first hydro-methane fuelled urban bus and managed to have it circulate on the streets of Ravenna as a regular service bus.
AFIN uses an integrated operational model combining 2 legal bodies: 1 is financing through loans social enterprises and 2 is supporting with various resources.
Mental and Manual Lab for a Fair and Circular Economy
Creativity and inclusive Lab involving vunerable people in the textile art-craft creation. Re-use, recycle, and job inclusion for women are the core activities.
Mapping of ecosystems of Hungary to map ecosystem services and identify strategic frameworks for the conservation and development of green infrastructure.
a model of household waste management in the private development of the Boryslav community
Residents of one of the private buildings of the Boryslav community were provided with two containers for use - for secondary raw materials and for mixed waste