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Waste prevention

Waste prevention involves reducing the waste produced by improving product design, promoting reuse, and encouraging sustainable consumption. It is a key priority for European policymaking, supporting the transition to a circular economy and reducing the environmental impact.

In the spotlight

The shift towards waste prevention is crucial as it influences the long-term environmental sustainability and resource efficiency of regions, fostering economic resilience and social well-being. This transition plays a key role in advancing circular economies and driving responsible growth across Europe. Explore the insightful content carefully selected by our Experts for you.

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A message from our expert

Are you looking for support on waste prevention in your region? We have a team of experts ready to help you. 

Get in contact through our policy helpdesk and we will put you in contact with the right people. 

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Magda Michalikova round image

Waste prevention is the most efficient way to save resources and reduce waste management costs. Local authorities have a unique opportunity to lead the way and use their considerable purchasing power to foster waste prevention and greater circularity.