Juan Antonio Rosado Fuentes Agrupación de Profesionales para el Desarrollo Internacional APDI Spain Interested in Join a project
Katharina Schoeps Hd. of dpt. RKW Sachsen GmbH Dienstleistung und Beratung Germany Interested in Join a project +2
Jane Bilberg Lykke Bøll senior consultant University of Copenhagen Denmark Interested in Lead a project +1
martine delannoy Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities policy advisor and EU project developer Flemish Government Belgium Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Elyse Lebreuilly Coordinator of the European projects MUNICIPALITY OF PLOEUC-L'HERMITAGE France Interested in Join a project +2
Audrey LEMPEREUR Cheffe de projets SIVOM de la Communauté du Bruaysis France Interested in Lead a project +4
Petra Goessen Regional Water Authority of Holland Noorderkwartier Netherlands Interested in Join a project +1
Jaume Subirana Bonaparte Technical advisory Ajuntament de Mataró Spain Interested in Lead a project +4
Petri Nykänen Vice CEO & Program Director, Safety and Security Business Tampere Oy Finland Interested in Join a project +1