Andrea Santoro Technical Assistance Orange Public Management srl Italy Interested in Lead a project +4 2 projects
FRANCA FAUCI Senior Project Manager Foundation for Research and Innovation Italy Interested in Join a project +3 2 projects
Giovanni Vargiu Now indipendent expert for transport and sustainable development Federazione Italiana Ambiente e Bicicletta Italy Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Stadler Reinhold Project Manager - Urban planner specialized on Urban Mobility Asociatia Metropolitana pt Dezvoltare Durabila a Transportului Public Brasov Romania Interested in Lead a project +4 1 project
Leonie Hehn Project Manager Cámara de Comercio Italiana Barcelona Spain Interested in Join a project +2 2 projects
Franziska Stenzel Project Manager Experience Bremerhaven, Tourism, Marketing and Events Company Germany Interested in Join a project +1 4 projects
Besnik Mehmeti ProjectManager National Association of Italian Municipalities Tuscany (ANCI Tuscany) Italy Interested in Lead a project +2 1 project
Florin Nedelcut Assoc. Prof. Phd Eng. Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" Galati Romania Interested in Lead a project +4
Tanja Rener Secretary Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, Directorate for Cohesion, Cohesion Policy Office Slovenia Interested in Find policy solutions +1 2 projects