Pedro Freire Business Development & Pilot Management Hypha Energy Netherlands Interested in Lead a project +4
Pavlo Pavlenko Village head Шабівська сільська рада Ukraine New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Lily Harrison Postgraduate Researcher The University of Birmingham United Kingdom Interested in Find policy solutions +1
Gonçalo Crisóstomo Surveying Engineer Direção-Geral do Território Portugal Interested in Access to people and events
Morgan Remond Head of HR IT projects and digital transformation City of Paris France Interested in Find policy solutions +2 1 project
Dagmar Peřinová Head of Participation Team South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation JINAG, association Czech Republic Interested in Lead a project +4
Maria Malisevich lawyer ЛКП "Адміністратор послуг з у управління побутовими відходами" Ukraine New country Interested in Join a project +3
Aintzane Pérez-Ezkurdia Tecnisian Gobierno de Navarra. Sección de Residuos Spain Interested in Find policy solutions +1
Esmeralda Metaj HEAD OF FINANCE SECTOR KESHILLI I QARKUT BERAT Albania New country Interested in Find policy solutions +1
Almudena Suárez Grant Funding Manager Municipal Parking Society of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, S.A. (SAGULPA) Spain 1 project
Gintarė Petrauskaitė Project Manager Ziedine ekonomika Lithuania Interested in Find policy solutions +2
Joanna Wdowik-Mika Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Podkarpackiego Poland Interested in Lead a project +4