About this good practice
The Vlichis Trails focus on the traditional system of transhumant livestock farming, creating an agritourism network of digital and experiential cultural trails in the geographical area of Aspropotamos. This network includes paths of the Vlachostrata, thus preserving the remarkable local agri-food heritage while simultaneously reviving this pastoral culture by incorporating additional livestock routes that were once used for the dispersal of a significant portion of the area's livestock. Today, these routes may include parts of settlements, dirt roads and monuments.
The digital signage and mapping of the trail are highlighted as a walking route of geological and environmental interest for all ages, through the study of the cultural route. It also creates the foundation for an experiential framework for visitors through their physical presence, facilitated by the proposed digital platform. A well-structured approach to the perception of time and space through both mind and body. This is a proposal from multiple, diverse scientific disciplines aimed at highlighting the identity of the place.
Specifically, with the development of the prototype digital application (app), we create the following:
-Storytelling in Greek, English
-Implementation of 360photo with natural acoustic mapping of the location
-Information recording approaches, with the central focus on the cultural identity of the trail
-Gamification structure
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The pilot route is funded by the MinistryofCulture with 6κ euros and is under the auspices of the Municipality of Meteora. The project was created through collaboration with companies and voluntary work from our members. The project will continue with 5more routes,requiring a budget of 16k euros
Evidence of success
The project will have a positive impact on enhancing the competitiveness of the local community in all its aspects, both through the development of unique digital experiences and later through their experiential representation in the real spatial context.The users will learn,feel, and later become visitors who will leave the site emotionally and spiritually fulfilled, carrying with them a treasure of experiences and narratives, which will feed back into the meaning of the landscape and the trail
Potential for learning or transfer
This will serve to promote the system and provide opportunities for alternative leisure activities for tourists and travelers.This proposal has the potential to strengthen the flow of both domestic and international visitors to the area.The philosophy of life in the mountainous zone will gain characteristics of pride and original positive influence, fostering both social and economic creation, with sustainable development as a pilot.Local culture and its extensions can offer a comprehensive response to key contemporary issues.In this direction,our digital project has the potential to make this response even more attractive to the wider public. Furthermore,the produced digital product will be aimed at vulnerable social groups,enhancing the educational and instructive character of digitization, bridging inequalities and particularities.Additionally,it will strengthen the potential for integration into new technologies and proposals,promoting tourism goods and cultural values
Further information
μονοπάτια της βληχής - vlichis trails
vlichis trails_.pdf
Good practice owner
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