Published on 07 March 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
2020TOGETHER aims to start a coordinated action involving regional, provincial and local authorities, financial institutions and local industries/investors and to launch an investment programme based on Public Private Partnerships and Third Party Investment (TPI).
The main actions are:
(1) energy audits of buildings in order to identify the most suitable among the ones candidated by the Municipalities;
(2) involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises and their incentive to cluster in order to be competitive in large contracts;
(3) research and promotion of new forms of contract, in line with the guidelines of the Energy Performance Contracting, and finding new opportunities for financial support through private investors;
(4) coordination of Municipalities and group of interventions in order to form the critical mass necessary to obtain the best terms and conditions;
(5) launch of one or more tenders for the implementation of the planned measures.
The main actions are:
(1) energy audits of buildings in order to identify the most suitable among the ones candidated by the Municipalities;
(2) involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises and their incentive to cluster in order to be competitive in large contracts;
(3) research and promotion of new forms of contract, in line with the guidelines of the Energy Performance Contracting, and finding new opportunities for financial support through private investors;
(4) coordination of Municipalities and group of interventions in order to form the critical mass necessary to obtain the best terms and conditions;
(5) launch of one or more tenders for the implementation of the planned measures.
Resources needed
2020Together is financed through a 490.000 € European funding as part of the CIP - IEE, Intelligent Energy for Europe / Mobilizing Local Energy Investments - MLEI programme.
Evidence of success
The Metropolitan City of Turin published tenders for the selection of ESCo's for: (1) large investment plan for heating boilers in the City of Turin – 118 buildings (ended), (2) deep renovation and management of n. 18 public buildings owned by 5 municipalities in the Metropolitan City of Turin area (ended), (3) energy refurbishment and management of the public lighting in 6 municipalities in the Metropolitan City of Turin area (ongoing).
Potential for learning or transfer
A wide territory, the Metropolitan City of Torino, acts as a coordinator and contracting authority: the initiatives of individual local public administrations are grouped in a single call for tender to form that critical mass required to make tenders appealing and realize economies of scale. The consequent aggregation of the needs of small and medium municipalities for energy refurbishment in public building and street lighting has been managed through the standardisation of technical, economic and financial criteria for the selection of an ESCo for a bundle of interventions and through the related uniformity of EPC contracts for public lighting and public building retrofit, including the revamping of boilers.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Metropolitan city of Turin (former Province of Turin)
Technical Officier