
Published on 08 November 2019

Comunitat Valenciana
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
ALTERNA Coop Valenciana is a cooperative for sustainable mobility. Its goal is to facilitate and encourage its members and society in general to use the least possible amount of energy for mobility (by walking, biking, and through shared electric vehicles). Thus, their main activity is car sharing among its members, using electric vehicles that are charged with electricity coming from renewable energy sources.
ALTERNA ( is based in the Valencian municipality of Albalat dels Sorells, and it now has 327 members distributed among 6 main local groups in the Valencia Region. Its most active group is located in the centre of the Valencia city, where the cooperative has two electric cars and two charging stations. The two cars are shared among 20 users, and the car sharing is managed through and app installed in their phones.
The cooperative also has another electric car in the village of Burriana, which is shared among 5 members of the cooperative. This car is not shared among more members because it is not ready yet to use the app. This means that the car cannot be opened with the phone, it has to be opened with the key, so the key has to be physically exchanged between the members and this takes time.
Another goal of the cooperative is to share cars with the municipalities where the groups are located. In this way, the municipality staff would use the car during working hours, and the rest of the time cars can be used by members.
ALTERNA ( is based in the Valencian municipality of Albalat dels Sorells, and it now has 327 members distributed among 6 main local groups in the Valencia Region. Its most active group is located in the centre of the Valencia city, where the cooperative has two electric cars and two charging stations. The two cars are shared among 20 users, and the car sharing is managed through and app installed in their phones.
The cooperative also has another electric car in the village of Burriana, which is shared among 5 members of the cooperative. This car is not shared among more members because it is not ready yet to use the app. This means that the car cannot be opened with the phone, it has to be opened with the key, so the key has to be physically exchanged between the members and this takes time.
Another goal of the cooperative is to share cars with the municipalities where the groups are located. In this way, the municipality staff would use the car during working hours, and the rest of the time cars can be used by members.
Resources needed
Software and hardware to manage the car sharing
Funds to buy the cars and for the charging stations
Some staff to run the cooperative
Funds to buy the cars and for the charging stations
Some staff to run the cooperative
Evidence of success
Citizens have been brought together to form a community group
Increased electric mobility (number of cars and charging stations)
The project is already being replicated with 6 local groups in different municipalities
Collaboration with municipalities and public entities to create a network of public charging stations
Increased electric mobility (number of cars and charging stations)
The project is already being replicated with 6 local groups in different municipalities
Collaboration with municipalities and public entities to create a network of public charging stations
Potential for learning or transfer
The potential for transfer is good; there are many local groups interested. This approach is new in the Valencia Region but it has the potential to be transferred to any urban centre in the region
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

Comunitat Valenciana
External funding Manager