An Integrated System for the Complex Environmental Research and Monitoring in the Danube River Area – REXDAN project
About this good practice
The research infrastructure will consist of two components: a research ship and a fixed system of laboratories, complementary to those on the research ship.
REXDAN Research Vessel, the largest on the European Union inland waters, is under construction at ATG Giurgiu Shipyard and will include 9 modern laboratories (systems for sample collection and preservation, laboratory for sample preparation, radiometry laboratory, laboratory for physical-chemical analyses, acquatic ecology laboratory, air/
atmosphere laboratory, biodiversity monitoring systems, bathymetry systems, IT laboratory), the acquisition procedures for the equipment to be included in these laboratories being in full development at present. The REXDAN research vessel will be completed in January 2023.
The research will cover a wide geographical area (2000 km on the navigable sector of the Danube with extensive areas from the river basin) and research areas related to water, sediments, soil, air, biodiversity, bathymetry, hydromorphology, etc. thus approaching multiple domains: chemistry, biology, physics, environmental science, ecology, bathymetry, topography, atmospheric chemistry, sustainable development, etc.
The holistic research proposed by REXDAN corresponds to the Joint Strategy for the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive which recommends the interconnection of methods and targets large-scale research in important basins in the EU.
Resources needed
Project total value: 91,972,096.30 lei. The value of the non-reimbursable financial assistance: 91,880,104.30 lei (78,098,088.74 lei - financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020 and 13,782,015.56 lei from the national budget).
Evidence of success
Through the project it will be created a research infrastructure of excellence in the field of intelligent specialization Energy, environment and climate change. The infrastructure will have two components: a research vessel and a fixe research centre, with a total of 18 laboratories. The laboratories will be equipped with state-of-the-art equipment: 192 tangible assets - equipment and tools research, 94 tangible assets - IT and communications equipment and 96 intangible assets.
Potential for learning or transfer
REXDAN Research Infrastructure can contribute to increasing research performance of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati through international cooperation and can support new partnerships with research teams highly performant at European and international levels which will suggest original approaches oriented towards scientific innovation in the field of smart specialization: Energy, environment and climate change, bioeconomy, health etc. REXDAN creates opportunities for a unique experimental base on inland waters in Europe and facilitates Romania's participation in top multidisciplinary research projects which combine the fundamental part with applied research. These activities are carried out in collaboration not only with representatives of the academia, but also with other state and private structures, thus diversifying the Romanian participation in large-scale projects.
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