Anti-virus grant
About this good practice
The aim of the project was to support enterprises which, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, had to cope with specific, negative conditions for running a business.
In frames of the project, the fund of grants was created, to support enterprises adaptation to functioning during an pandemic, sanitary regime and specific market conditions, related to it. Entrepreneurs could receive a grant of up to ca. 25,000. EUR, as a refund of 90% of the expenses incurred.
Important factor was simple application form and 10 days assessment procedure.
Another important aspect of the programme was the fact that eco-innovations, as one of the 4 smart specialisation of the region, according to RIS, were of special attention and gave applicants additional points.
SMEs, needed immediate financial support. Grants were used to reorganize, upgrade and change operational processes in the enterprise in order to protect employees and customers, diversify or change the business profile, introduce a new product or service to the offer in response to changes.
Co-financing applied to expenses for the purchase of equipment (e.g. personal and collective protective equipment), fixed assets (e.g. machinery and equipment) and intangible assets (e.g. software).
Project was co-financed from EU funds and implemented by Podlaska Regional Development Foundation under Measure 1.4.2 “Increasing the investment attractiveness of BOF”, Regional Operational Programme for Podlaskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020.
Resources needed
Anti-virus grant needed staff experienced in projects assesment and in controlling, especially with background in law and finances - 9 employees were engaged, estimated overall project value was 1,8 mln EUR, 1,5 mln EUR as regranting.
Evidence of success
As a result 98 SMEs received grants, which amounted ca. 1 500 000 EUR. About 10% were eco-innovative enterprises. All projects were controlled.
Te idea of the good practice is based on the fact, that the re-granting system can be adapted easily in situation of crisis. It is also well assessed by SMEs due to:
- easy application procedure,
- very short assessment system (10 days),
- wide catalogue of eligible costs.
- direct support tailor made for particular SME.
Potential for learning or transfer
Good practice „Anti-virus grant” is a regranting system, easily replicable and adjustable to other regions and different types of crisis. The main characteristics of GP:
- based on public funding scheme,
- targeted at eco-innovative SMEs (as one of four smart specialisations of the region),
- user-friendly application procedure, reducing bureaucracy to the minimum,
- supporting SMEs in surviving by adjusting to their particular needs (catalogue of cost main cathegories as eligible costs).
The idea was targeted at around 100 SMEs but can be scalable. procedure of assesment done manually can be partly automated (yes/no criteria). The crucial point is, that the grants were tailor made and based on company's needs. This makes the system adjustable to other crisis situation at the moment.
Further information
Good practice owner
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