
At school for energy efficiency. EE of Public Lighting Networks of the Industrial Zone of Balvano
Published on 28 September 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Teachers and students of Secondary High School "Ten. Remo Righetti "in Melfi (PZ) realized a project in order to participate in the PlayEnergy 2012/2013 competition announced by ENEL Inc. and proposed the use of “Green Technology" to benefit from energy savings. The involved class realized an in-depth study of existing public lighting system in the Industrial Zone of Balvano (PZ) in order to be able to develop an energy redevelopment project focusing on use of a number of state-of-the-art technology products with the aim of promoting the development of policies aimed at reducing consumption. The project has demonstrated a possible reduction in electricity demand of more than 50%.
A win-win approach is identified: school has the opportunity to quality teaching approaches and training experiences putting in practice effective design activities for students; local administration could receive effective contribution allowing the identification of local interventions hypothesis in energy efficiency sector.
In particular, the project aimed at energy analysis of a public lighting system, the assessment of energy consumption, their reduction without compromising visual comfort and lighting quality, the promotion of energy saving culture and the adoption of technological smart type devices faced with energy efficiency.
GP has favoured continuous development of skills and professionalism to support local administrations in the sustainable management of public lighting systems
A win-win approach is identified: school has the opportunity to quality teaching approaches and training experiences putting in practice effective design activities for students; local administration could receive effective contribution allowing the identification of local interventions hypothesis in energy efficiency sector.
In particular, the project aimed at energy analysis of a public lighting system, the assessment of energy consumption, their reduction without compromising visual comfort and lighting quality, the promotion of energy saving culture and the adoption of technological smart type devices faced with energy efficiency.
GP has favoured continuous development of skills and professionalism to support local administrations in the sustainable management of public lighting systems
Expert opinion
This good practice presents an excellent example of practical training for students of a technical school. The students get hands on experience of working to plan energy efficiency interventions, and the local administration, in return, gets advice on where improvements can be made in their street lighting. This kind of practical project can be hugely rewarding for students, moving away from purely theoretical studies and also benefitting the local community.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Project was carried out at an educational level without any specific funding just strengthening the educational provision of the school.
Human resources needed: highly motivated teachers with professional technical skills in the field
Human resources needed: highly motivated teachers with professional technical skills in the field
Evidence of success
In coherence with provisions of the Regulatory Requirements on Sustainability of Public Services, the project, even if at educational level, has set up a model to support energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy in public sector and promoted low carbon strategies for all kind of territory, particularly urban areas.
In the PlayEnergy 2012/2013 the project ranked second (among 2,929 projects and 8,306 Italian and foreign schools)
In the PlayEnergy 2012/2013 the project ranked second (among 2,929 projects and 8,306 Italian and foreign schools)
Potential for learning or transfer
In the field of energy, public lighting represents a critical issue throughout Europe, being one of the main items of expenditure in municipal budgets, deriving from the low energy efficiency of plants and often from inadequate skills of administrators who are called to "direct and supervise" a service in which complex and very different themes are interwoven.
The GP represents an easy and replicable way to support public administrations in the sustainable management of public lighting systems thanks to continuous development of skills.
It is easy and really useful to apply in other EU contests the described win-win approach, providing:
- high schools with the opportunity to quality teaching approaches and training experiences putting in practice effective design activities for students in the field of energy efficiency
-local administrations with effective contribution allowing the identification of local interventions hypothesis in energy efficiency
The GP represents an easy and replicable way to support public administrations in the sustainable management of public lighting systems thanks to continuous development of skills.
It is easy and really useful to apply in other EU contests the described win-win approach, providing:
- high schools with the opportunity to quality teaching approaches and training experiences putting in practice effective design activities for students in the field of energy efficiency
-local administrations with effective contribution allowing the identification of local interventions hypothesis in energy efficiency
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Secondary High School "Ten. Remo Righetti "

Technical officer