
Balloon adventure
Published on 19 May 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Balloon adventure(ROBG-14) isa new joint tourismproduct, implemented within Interreg V-A RO-BG Programme, PA2 and IP 2.1 aimingto improve sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and culturalheritage in the cross-border region of Romania-Bulgaria and to contribute to the development of tourism.Main objective was tocreate a new tourist product within participation of all stakeholders in thedevelopment of tourism in the cross-border region and to increase the share ofthe tourists in the region. It is also expected to attract more foreigntourists and increase the number of overnight stays in the cross-border area,covering 8 districts in Bulgaria and 7 in Romania.The program territoryincludes the NUTS level 3 regions located at the border between the 2 partnercountries: Vidin, Vratsa, Montana, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Silistra,Dobrich (Bulgaria) and the NUTS level 3 regions: Mehedinti, Dolj,Teleorman,Giurgiu, Calarasi, Constanta (Romania).The target groupsaddressed: representatives of companies and NGOs working in the field oftourism from the cross-border region RO-BG; accommodation places; tour operatorsand travel agents; attraction and theme parks; dining and entertainment; localauthorities; tourists; the population of the Romania-Bulgaria cross-borderregion, which amounts to 4.77 million inhabitants – 3.16 million (66%) in theterritory of Romania and 1.61 million (34%) in the territory of Bulgaria.
Resources needed
The project budget was 485.460,00 EUR.
Evidence of success
2 hot-air balloons and related equipment were purchased;Marketing strategy for new tourism product was developed;100 h of free flights performed;8 workshops with stakeholders were organized;Partners took part in 2 tourism fairs;20 tethered flights were attended by 2780 people;1 Balloon fiesta was organized. Increased number of visits supporting sites of cultural and natural heritage with 2,520.Hot-air balloons flights were included in services offered by Adventure Center–Belogradchik.
Potential for learning or transfer
The created tourist product is expected to attract more foreign tourists and to increase the number of overnight stays in the cross-border area, covering 8 districts in Bulgaria and 7 in Romania.
The opportunity to fly a balloon is a relatively a new tourist attraction in the region. A created tourist product will contribute to establishing the image of the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria as a tourist destination for adventure tourism, combined with many other opportunities for recreation and entertainment.
Balloon Adventure project approach took into consideration the similarities and complementarities between border areas in terms of knowledge/promotion of natural and cultural heritage.
The opportunity to fly a balloon is a relatively a new tourist attraction in the region. A created tourist product will contribute to establishing the image of the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria as a tourist destination for adventure tourism, combined with many other opportunities for recreation and entertainment.
Balloon Adventure project approach took into consideration the similarities and complementarities between border areas in terms of knowledge/promotion of natural and cultural heritage.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Association "Regional Partnerships for Sustainable Development - Vidin"

communication manager