Creation of a zero CO2 emissions small off-grid commercial building
Published on 08 November 2017
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
1. The practice is addressed in the creation of zero CO2 emissions off-grid building due to energy.
2. The practice reaches the objectives for the creation of zero CO2 emissions buildings.
3. The stakeholder and beneficiary of the practice is the company which owns the building.
4. The good practice has been implemented in the first place because the company which owned the building wanted to demonstrate the renewable energy installations to its clients.
2. The practice reaches the objectives for the creation of zero CO2 emissions buildings.
3. The stakeholder and beneficiary of the practice is the company which owns the building.
4. The good practice has been implemented in the first place because the company which owned the building wanted to demonstrate the renewable energy installations to its clients.
Resources needed
The total cost of the renewable energy systems in order to create this zero CO2 emission building has been estimated at 21,700 € and it was covered by the owner of the building.
The main stakeholder is the company which owns the building and designs and sells various renewable energy systems.
The main stakeholder is the company which owns the building and designs and sells various renewable energy systems.
Evidence of success
The off-grid building operates smoothly for many years without any fossil fuels consumption. Therefore its CO2 emissions due to energy use are zero. The beneficiary of the good practice is the local company commercializing renewable energy systems aa well as various potential users of these systems.
Potential for learning or transfer
We believe that the abovementioned installation is a good practice in our territory and it could be transferred in other territories in Southern European countries, particularly in buildings which are not interconnected with the electric grid, because of
a) The renewable systems used are mature, reliable, well proven and cost effective,
b) The installation cost of those systems is relative low compared with the cost of the building,
c) The operating cost is also low compared with the cost of using fossil fuels instead of renewable energies ( It is due only to solid biomass use),
d) The same technologies could be used in other territories with high solar irradiance, satisfactory wind energy resources and availability of solid biomass resources.
a) The renewable systems used are mature, reliable, well proven and cost effective,
b) The installation cost of those systems is relative low compared with the cost of the building,
c) The operating cost is also low compared with the cost of using fossil fuels instead of renewable energies ( It is due only to solid biomass use),
d) The same technologies could be used in other territories with high solar irradiance, satisfactory wind energy resources and availability of solid biomass resources.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Researcher/Manager of the European project ZEROCO2