Energy mapping grant
Published on 14 December 2018
Östra Mellansverige
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The grant covers 50 percent of the cost, maximum 50.000 SEK (about 5.000 euro). An energy mapping report shows how the energy is distributed in different parts of the business (including transport) and what the annual costs for energy are. The energy mapping report must include suggestions of measures, it usually shows expected investment costs and payback time for each measure. Energy consultants can perform the energy audit and write the mapping report, but if the company has similar expertise in-house, they can get the grant and make the mapping themselves. Once the company has completed the energy mapping and decided on the measures to be implemented is time to report to the Energy Agency; economy report, energy consumption, energy plan etc. The grant is provided on a national level, but is combined with information activities at a local level through the regional energy agencies. All figures and numbers in this description come from the national level. The regional energy agencies spread information about the grant and helps/guides companies through the process of applying for the grant and moving on to action.
Sweden has a law on energy audits for large companies. The law is a part of the efforts to meet the requirements of the EU energy efficiency directive. According to the law, large companies have an obligation to make quality assured energy audits at least every four years. However, this grant targets SMEs, a group that is not covered by that law..
Sweden has a law on energy audits for large companies. The law is a part of the efforts to meet the requirements of the EU energy efficiency directive. According to the law, large companies have an obligation to make quality assured energy audits at least every four years. However, this grant targets SMEs, a group that is not covered by that law..
Resources needed
3.000.000 – 4.000.000 Euro/yearly
Evidence of success
Estimated costs of measures and measure planned savings companies reported to the Swedish Energy Agency to obtain their energy survey check indicates a very high profitability for the planned measures.
Most of the companies that took part of the grant during 2010-2014 have annual energy consumption between 1500 and 5000 MWh. They reduced their energy consumption by an average of 10%.
The Swedish Energy Agency now offers this grant for the second time.
Most of the companies that took part of the grant during 2010-2014 have annual energy consumption between 1500 and 5000 MWh. They reduced their energy consumption by an average of 10%.
The Swedish Energy Agency now offers this grant for the second time.
Potential for learning or transfer
The transferability is good, but assumes that there are regional players who can market the support and support the companies to apply.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Sweden Energy Agency
Östra Mellansverige