Getting the WEGIL building more energy-efficient
About this good practice
The LAZIO region has a wide range of heritage buildings.
These kinds of buildings have several restrictions when it comes to retrofitting therms, due to the patrimonial limits they have, therefore the WeGil palace, has been a reference for them especially for the integration of RES system in the envelope
the historic building called WeGil has been assumed as a case study even because the building condition has been aggravated by COVID 19 since many are intended as public facilities for exhibitions, conferences, etc. They are not prepared for the new normality, which has led to a decrease in their use.
Considering all these factors, this building exemplifies how heritage stock can be rehabilitated.
The learned lesson, thanks to an example, which is the WeGil palace, is promoting how other heritage buildings can be rehab.
In fact, new conditions for buildings, such as more restriction on air requirements led to the change of the main air handling units to comply with Covid 19 recommendations
The HVAC was replaced with a more efficient one, improving the air quality indoors, and allowing to control of the temperature, humidity and purity of the enclosed space with the elimination of the air recirculation circuit.
Furthermore, new BEMS have allowed to monitor and regulate the building´s electrical and mechanical system lowering about 20% the overall energy consumption with no impact on environmental quality and users comfort.
Resources needed
2.752.522 €.
Evidence of success
Tangible proof of the success of this intervention is represented by the fact that, to date, the palace has become a multipurpose building. Nevertheless, it complies to new COVID 19 requirements especially for external air inlet and with no possibility to install RES system, the overall energy building performance has increase significantly.
Potential for learning or transfer
A particular aspect that emerged during the implementation of our good practice that can be of great interest also for other European Regions is certainly represented by the need to balance different, potentially conflicting needs.
Indeed, especially in the case of old buildings protected by special laws, by virtue of their high historical, artistic and cultural value, the restructuring interventions are subject to an aggravation of procedures and administrative burdens and, in some cases, even insurmountable constraints.
The case study demonstrated how the HVAC system together with the new BEMS and the combination of active and passive rehab measures have the ability to ensure the energy consumption reduction while meeting COVID 19 recommendations; this was especially crucial in constrained contexts where it is not possible to increase the aero-illuminating surface area.
Further information
Good practice owner
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