Kantola industrial estate and Woodpolis centre of competence
Published on 31 January 2018

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Problem addressed: The development of wood processing industry in Kantola industrial estate is the long-term goal of the Kuhmo city. The need to diversify from the saw-mill industry towards the new types of demand.
How objectives are reached: As a result of development the diverse group of woodworking companies is serving the needs of the construction industry. The considerable expansion of business in Kantola has caused the need to create new growth-oriented strategy for the development of the industrial area. For these purposes the master plan of Kantola Industrial estate is made.
Sequence of activities:
(1) Ochestration of a development vision.
(2) Building the development partnership; involving actors from within Kainuu and beyond.
(3) Funding application for making the Master plan.
(4) Implementation workshops of the master plan.
(5) Research (if needed), product development, training, and marketing actitivies.
Main stakeholders: 1) Cluster members: Woodpolis development company and the 12 Kantola cluster businesses; 2) The municipality of Kuhmo; 3) the Regional Council of Kainuu (main funder & regional development programme); 4) regional knowledge actors (University of Oulu, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences).
How objectives are reached: As a result of development the diverse group of woodworking companies is serving the needs of the construction industry. The considerable expansion of business in Kantola has caused the need to create new growth-oriented strategy for the development of the industrial area. For these purposes the master plan of Kantola Industrial estate is made.
Sequence of activities:
(1) Ochestration of a development vision.
(2) Building the development partnership; involving actors from within Kainuu and beyond.
(3) Funding application for making the Master plan.
(4) Implementation workshops of the master plan.
(5) Research (if needed), product development, training, and marketing actitivies.
Main stakeholders: 1) Cluster members: Woodpolis development company and the 12 Kantola cluster businesses; 2) The municipality of Kuhmo; 3) the Regional Council of Kainuu (main funder & regional development programme); 4) regional knowledge actors (University of Oulu, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences).
Expert opinion
This is an interesting example of successful triple helix collaboration. The practice illustrates the importance of adaptability and diversification as new demands evolves in an industry. It can serve as inspiration for how to develop new strategies and anchor these with the relevant stakeholders.
Works at
Resources needed
The Kantola estate forms a business ecosystem of wood industry with net sales of approximately € 100 million, 12 companies and 240 jobs where triple helix cooperation exists.
Evidence of success
(1) Income generation: triple helix cooperation of wood industry with net sales of approximately € 100 million, 12 companies and 240 jobs.
(2) Innovation: Woodpolis hosts Finland's first cross-laminated timber (CLT) factory; it is taking part in the building of innovative, energy-efficient wood buildings, e.g. in the newly constructed Honkasuo area in Helsinki.
(3) Spillovers: energy efficiency competence.
(4) Orchestration of public and private resources.
(2) Innovation: Woodpolis hosts Finland's first cross-laminated timber (CLT) factory; it is taking part in the building of innovative, energy-efficient wood buildings, e.g. in the newly constructed Honkasuo area in Helsinki.
(3) Spillovers: energy efficiency competence.
(4) Orchestration of public and private resources.
Potential for learning or transfer
1) Relevance to regional economies: Woodpolis has been successful in utilising local products and labour force in the Kuhmo area, benefiting the whole region. Product development is based on the high level of know-how.
2) Methodological facilitation: The considerable expansion of business in Kantola has caused the need to create new growth-oriented strategy for the development of the indus-trial area.
3) Knowledge re-sources required: Cooperating with local educational institutions as well as research institutions outside the Kainuu area is beneficial for all the parties involved.
4) Readiness to transfer: Model of programme-based (master plan) wood cluster and industrial estate with business ecosystem and triple helix co-operation as an idea is ready for transfer; all details have to be clarified per cace.
CONTACTS: the Regional Council of Kainuu, Jouni Ponnikas, [email protected] and Pentti Malinen, [email protected].
2) Methodological facilitation: The considerable expansion of business in Kantola has caused the need to create new growth-oriented strategy for the development of the indus-trial area.
3) Knowledge re-sources required: Cooperating with local educational institutions as well as research institutions outside the Kainuu area is beneficial for all the parties involved.
4) Readiness to transfer: Model of programme-based (master plan) wood cluster and industrial estate with business ecosystem and triple helix co-operation as an idea is ready for transfer; all details have to be clarified per cace.
CONTACTS: the Regional Council of Kainuu, Jouni Ponnikas, [email protected] and Pentti Malinen, [email protected].
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Council of Kainuu

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi
Senior project manager