LegenDerry Food Festival
Published on 22 May 2018

United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The LegenDerry Food Festival was developed with the aim of increasing tourism visitors to the city and to further develop the food sector. It has three key elements including a festival marquee housing 12 local restaurants cooking live with 5 star menus profiling local and NI sourced fresh ingredients. A producers hall which is a platform for local producers to share their stories and offer their unique product to the festival audience and a Street Food Area with menus using local ingredients and highlighting the story behind the menu and produce.
Now in its 5th year, the festival has become an integral part of the City and Districts event calendar and generates significant media coverage. This in turn is increasingly attracting tours and international fans to visit our restaurants and producers.
Expert opinion
This practice represents a straightforward way to put the spotlight on the local food business and an opportunity promote the SMEs involved. As part of a larger regional effort focused on tourism and food sector growth, this type of event could contribute to build “brand recognition” and image. The transferability is high; the practice is fairly uncomplicated and easily transferred, but could still be a source of inspiration in regions building a reputation as a food and tourism destination.
Works at
Resources needed
Funding from DEARA and NI Tourist Board. Staff and resources from DSDC tourism team to deliver.
Evidence of success
The event has grown from strength to strength and was recognised for this at the Food and Drink awards NI with the City and District winning overall 'Destination Delicious' for going the extra mile to promote our city as a food destination, and increasing visitor numbers
Potential for learning or transfer
The food festival model is easily transferrable to other regions. The key to successful adoption is partnership working between public bodies, the local authorities and tourism, along with local SMEs including producers, restaurants and chefs. Support from relevant departments in terms of funding and resources is also a critical component. It is an example of practice which can significantly impact on promotion of food sector and increase visitor numbers to an area, whilst supporting local SMEs.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Derry and Strabane District Council

United Kingdom
Northern Ireland