Major retrofit of residential blocks
About this good practice
This is a long term programme included in the LEAP with the purpose of improving the insulation of the private flats while a dif-ferent programme is targeting the heating system. The programme started in 2011 when the refurbishment costs were split evenly 50% / 50% between national and local budgets. There was a delay before finally the second stage was able to be imple-mented mainly because of the lack of consensus between the beneficiaries, but with the legislation changing allowing the majori-ty of the owners to decide in 2018 another smaller batch were refurbished with many others in different stages of preparation. The financing is different this time 60% national budget, 15% local budget and 25% flat owners.
- The energy savings are substantial, reducing bills and protecting the environment, this helps in convincing residents of the benefits
- The interior of the flats is much more comfortable;
- The exterior of the blocks has improved visually;
- Having the first few blocks finalised increased the interest of other owners association to be included in the program.
Resources needed
Financial investment of 10.750.000 EUR in this instance but on a case by case basis. See finance model above
Evidence of success
During 2011-2013, financed by Ministry and Ploiesti Munci-pality, 46 blocks were refurbished totalling 3221 flats and 224.514 square meters.
During 2015-2016, another 6 blocks were refurbished total-ling 308 flats and 19.095 square meters.
There are audits for 43 more blocks to be refurbished, contracting is ongoing.
- The energy savings are substantial, reducing bills and protecting the environment
Potential for learning or transfer
Energy savings were between 57-80%, from 200-384 kWh/m2/year before refurbishment to 65-85 kWh/m2/year after, average annual energy savings are estimated at 21 GWh.
Demonstrating to regions where individual investment in their house is not a traditional method of upgrading facilities.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.