“New Residents” Welcome kit
Published on 17 May 2019
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The core of the campaign was the offer of a Welcome Kit packed with information on the public transport network in the city. As part of the European SEGMENT Project, and co-financed by the IEE Programme and AGENEAL, the New Residents Welcome Kit was inspired by the approach that Munich City Council adopted to deal with the issue of convincing new residents to use public transport and active travel modes instead of the private car. In the Almada case, and following the SEGMENT mobility marketing segmentation methodology, the objective of the New Residents Welcome Kit campaign was to induce new residents to use public transport by offering them tailored and comprehensive information on Almada’s public transport. This approach identified that lack of information was the biggest barrier to public transport use by the target group.
Expert opinion
This is an interesting practice for rapidly acclimatising residents to their new community and the transport options available to them. It has a sound basis in behavioural sciences, where new habits can be formed easier when situations (e.g., new home, new job, etc.) change. The practice is replicable, though regions may face challenges related to identifying the target audience.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The New Residents Welcome kit was part of a campaign within the framework of the EU-funded SEGMENT Project (SEGmented Marketing for ENergy efficient Transport). Overall, the Kit and associated campaign had an estimated cost of 30.000€ and involved 4 local staff members + external services.
Evidence of success
As a demonstration campaign, the New Residents Welcome Kit reached 600 new residents, over a period of 2 months. The media response to this campaign (including TV coverage) was particularly interesting probably because the concept had never been tried in Portugal before. The evaluation showed the excellent effect of the campaign, as PT increased by 13%, while car use decreased 6%. A not so positive result showed a decrease of 8% on walking. Also, this initiative won the EPOMM award 2014.
Potential for learning or transfer
This Good Practice is very interesting to other cities and regions, as manifested by the Project Partners during the RESOLVE Study Visits to Almada. This type of initiative aims to provide PT information to segmented targets of the population, in particular the new residents which usually are more open to changes in their daily habits of mobility since they are already in a process of change (be it residence, job or both). The fact that Almada successfully implemented the "New Residents" Welcome Kit based on the experience in Munich is a evidence of this transferability potential.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Almada City Council
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Energy, Transport and Mobility Specialist