OSIR – OSS for comprehensive Energy Renovation of Housing
About this good practice
As a result of FINERPOL project in Extremadura, Extremadura RG and AGENEX were able to create a portfolio guarantee fund for the energy renovation of housing (GEEVE Fund). However, although the ex-ante developed identified a funding gap, this was not the only barrier for homeowners to overcome the EE renovation. The demand side needed to be activated first.
In this context, and under HousEEnvest project (finance by H2020 programme), the OSIR, an OSS for comprehensive Energy Renovation of Housing, was established. In the case of multifamily houses, the services provided a technical, financial and administrative assessment to the homeowner's associations for the implementation of energy renovation projects.
During the implementation period of HousEEnvest project (during these three years), more than 300 multi-family housing buildings have been analyzed in the region of Extremadura and more than a hundred single-family homes. In the case of the condominiums, the vast majority have been built before 1980 and have fossil fuel central heating, which implies that there is a great potential for energy savings after comprehensive rehabilitation actions (improvement of the energy rating, 40% of energy savings and an average investment of €200,000 per building).
These energy studies will contribute to the optimization of the funds of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, as the potential measures, savings and investments are identified in the region.
Resources needed
10 person month from AGENEX staff under HousEEnvest project (financed by H2020 Programme), for the development of the energy studies, providing technical, financial and administrative assessment.
Evidence of success
300 multi-family housing buildings and more than a hundred single-family homes have been analysed in the region of Extremadura. The energy studies carried out will help and facilitate the decision-making of the owners and their communities in the upcoming year. Above all, given the arrival of the Recovery Funds, since they show the potential for savings and the investment needed when planning the energy and comprehensive rehabilitation of residential buildings.
Potential for learning or transfer
Instruments like OSIR, to provide technical, financial and administrative assessments are needed to mobilise homeowners, focusing on multifamily housing associations that need an additional boost to find an agreement to start the renovation works.
Recovery Funds could be the key to activating the energy renovation actions, but Public Administrations will need to put their effort into mobilising the demand side with OSSs like OSIR.
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