
About this good practice
The practice seeks to address the innovation management capability of owner amnagers of small firms.
This is a facilitated peer learning network model used by the Local Enterprise Office in Donegal since 2008. The model was developed by the Centre for Research in Innovation Management at Brighton University, ( CENTRIM) UK.
At its core the model has the objective of increasing the innovation management capabilities of owner managers through shared learning and peer mentoring/support.
Each group of an average of 16-18 firms meets monthly for a structured 3 hour meeting over a minimum of 18 months ( number of firms plus 3 months). Each meeting has three distinct elements – individual peer learning, group learning and external expert input. All actions are recorded and agreed individual actions followed up on at the following meeting. The groups rules and norms are established by the group within the first two meetings.
Each group is led by lead facilitator (external) and a second facilitator (Local Enterprise staff). Facilitators were trained on the Profitnet model by CENTRIM and their role is that of a facilitator of the dialogue and knowledge exchange between the group firms.
At the end of the programme firms can progress to ProfitNet Plus. In this stage the focus is much more sharply focused on innovation within the firms.
Expert opinion
ProfitNet is a peer learning network model developed by the Centre for Research in Innovation Management (CENTRIM) at Brighton University. The project is focused on owner managers of small firms and aims at increasing their innovation management skills through a program of meetings based on shared learning and peer mentoring. The structure of the program--that involves participants to monthly meetings for a prolonged period of time under the supervision of expert facilitators--could inspire similar projects in other regions, being able not only to improve SMEs innovation but also to enable the development of business-to business collaboration.
Resources needed
Two staff /facilitators per group committing three days per month. Average annual cost per group ( including the lead facilitator ) of €15,000
Evidence of success
We believe the practice to be good as the outcomes of two evaluations showed :
52% increase in participant turnover
Average of 67% increase in Gross Profit
78% increase/maintenance of employment
Enhanced business skills i.e. 82% business networking, 76% business strategy and 73% problem solving
Improved Innovation Capabilities and Skills:
- 68% leadership & capacity to manage organisational change
- 68% accessing & using external know-how
- 66% scanning the market for new ideas
Potential for learning or transfer
The model involves active engagement with and by owner managers of small firms over a prolonged period of time thus enabling the development of close business to business relationships and business to support agency relationships. The underlying objective of increasing innovation capabilities is not pursued in an up-front manner but is the underlying or horizontal theme throughout the meetings and the peer learning.
The findings from the evaluations and the experience of the Local Enterprise Office Donegal indicate a robust programme that does not require very significant resources to deliver but which produces strong businesses impacts which would be easily replicated in other regions.
The role of the facilitator as a facilitator of discussion and peer learning and not as a consultant providing possible solutions or answers is an aspect that other regions may wish to gain insight into.
Further information
Good practice owner
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