Strategic research and innovation partnership factories of the future

About this good practice
Within Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy, the establishment of 9 Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (STRIP) was envisioned in order to facilitate development of value chains in specific sectors. One of the sectors foreseen was Factories of the Future. In 2015-2016, actors in the sector entered discussions on the establishment of the SRIP and its activities. The established partnership currently has 70+ members functioning in a form of a cluster.
The core objectives are:
- Development of the FoF ecosystem
- Connection of all relevant players and stakeholders
- Support in connecting research with market
- Easier access to facilities
- Raising competences.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
1,9 million EUR of financing since 2017, 50% cofinancing, 4 partners of the consortia, 70+ members.
Evidence of success
Since 2016, the SRIP FoF already shows significant results through:
• International recognition of Slovenian companies and research
• Obtained funds and implemented projects
• Promotional results
• Increases in competencies
• Created new value chains and improved existing
• Better cooperation between research and companies, as well as between companies
• Connected ecosystem showing results in digitalisation of companies.
Potential for learning or transfer
The SRIP approach in S4 (Slovenian smart specialisation strategy) is a unique approach in Europe and considered a best practice at the international level. It is also the first time in Slovenia where all stakeholders (companies, research centres and universities) have joined in one consortium for a specific theme and technological priority.
Through participation in SRIP, companies that have known each other previously have put aside the notion of competition in favour of common goals. Companies started loaning each other equipment and advice, as well as positioning themselves in international markets, as larger providers are much stronger than individual small companies. In most EU countries, that is the case, which is why the SRIP FoF is relevant for learning and transfer.
Also, by putting together public and private research centres with companies, the understanding of needs and potential for cooperation on both sides is being recognised.
Further information
sripfof1 (1).JPG
plakat B1 (1).pdf
SRIPTOP promo grafika_izbran (1).jpg
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