Tallinn Accessibility Information Systems LIPS

About this good practice
The Accessibility Information Systems (LIPS) was launched on August 17, 2020. The system support the improvement of accessibility for transportation infrastructure, public facilities and publicly used buildings by providing opportunities for managing relevant information. The system aims to gather all information related to accessibility in one environment where users can quickly find reliable and up-to-date information. The system's dataset is updated practically every day, and property owners can provide input regarding the up-to-date accessibility of their objects/institutions. Users can also make suggestions in LIPS to supplement or improve existing information and add new objects. The information system provides access information for Tallinn on a uniform and systematic basis, the information can be viewed as objects, movement paths and movement obstacles. On the map objects can be chosen by category and target group. The service includes not only information but also photos and video tours of routes and potential obstacles. The initiator is the Tallinn Social and Health Board. All institutions can link their datasets to LIPS through open data, which is freely available to everyone. A good example is tourism sector portals where accessibility information is displayed alongside attractions. https://lips.tallinn.ee/est/
Resources needed
Tallinn Accessibility Information System (LIPS), was created with the support of the European Regional Fund and by order of the Tallinn Social and Health Board.
Evidence of success
The portal requires regular maintenance and continuous updates to ensure that all information about Tallinn stays current. LIPS is available online for the users. Accessibility is not limited to wheelchair users; it means ensuring that every person, whether using strollers, walkers, crutches, or white canes, can enjoy an equivalent experience and move around comfortably.
Potential for learning or transfer
The significance of accessibility in cities is increasing. Cities nowadays aim to be for everyone. Many museums, attractions, and services are becoming more inclusive for individuals with reduced mobility. Many destinations can learn from this System (LIPS), which supports the improvement of accessibility for transportation infrastructure, public facilities, and publicly used buildings by providing opportunities for managing relevant information.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.