Virtual version of Tourist Information Center Ungheni

About this good practice
Ungheni hosts a lot of tourist destinations poorly unexplored by locals, and consequently unknown to foreign visitors. Tourist offering were not consolidated in a particular place to facilitate access for visitors. The virtual TIC addresses the growing demand for easily accessible, real-time information for travellers, operating 24/7 hours, with up-to-date information and access.
Being created in 2023, as part of the "Sustainable actions for economic growth through tourism" project, financed by the European Union through the Mayor's Facility for Economic Growth, Ungheni virtual TIC provides:
- Information about tourist offers and cultural events
- Providing six touristic packages, two of them promoting cross-border tourism
- Establishment of an innovative model adapted to modern technologies in terms of promotion in the online environment through the website, social media pages.
The virtual TIC achieves its objectives by offering 24/7 access to comprehensive travel information, including two digital maps with touristic destinations and local craftsmen.
Tourist Information Center and Ungheni City Hall are the stakeholders in charge of development and administration of the web page, consolidating the information about the tourist attractions. Beneficiaries primarily include tourists, gaining easy access to real-time, bi-lingual information (Romanian and English). The local community benefits from increased tourism, stimulating local economy, supporting cultural exchange.
Resources needed
The creation of the virtual version of Tourist Information Center was done within the project "Sustainable actions for economic growth through tourism", financed by the European Union through the "Primary Facility for Economic Growth". The cost was over 7,000.00 EUR.
Evidence of success
According to the data provided by Ungheni TIC, the number of local and international visitors has increased significantly. The Center has been visited by residents from over 20 countries (including sister cities from over 10 countries).
On the website of Ungheni TIC there is information about: tourist attractions, cafes and restaurants, hotels and camping, information about folk crafts, events, tourist packages, facilitating access for foreign visitors to make informed choice of travelling.
Potential for learning or transfer
The use of the web page of the Ungheni Tourist Information Center is very accessible and easy to identify through google search engines.
The page is structured, accessible to use, with relevant information by category and divided by: historical monuments, public squares, cultural routes or natural attractions, restaurants and cafes, hotels and camping, events and news.
A strength of the web page is that it can also be viewed in English so it can attract international tourists.
Web page maintenance significantly reduces the costs of publishing brochures, leaflets, books or other printed products that can harm the environment.
However, there are also challenges. Regions with limited digital infrastructure or lower smartphone penetration may struggle with implementation. Training staff to manage and update the virtual platform is crucial for maintaining its up-to-date and appealing.
Further information
Promotional movie of Ungheni City
Good practice owner
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