Management and finances webinar
26 Apr 2023
10 : 00 - 11 : 30 CEST

Join us on 26 April for a project development webinar about the project management, budget and finances. It is the last one in a set of four webinars on how to develop your project and submit it in an application during this call.
The timing of the webinar series is the following:
- Building a successful partnership on 24 April
- Designing project methodology on 25 April
- Management, budget and finances on 26 April
- Project communication on 27 April
Each webinar starts at 10:00 (CEST/ Paris time) and will run for up to 90 minutes.
The recording
A recording of the webinar about project management, budget and finances run on 26 April 2023 for Interreg Europe's second call for project proposals.
The presentations
Download the presentations below.
Project budget: Part 1 - Cost categories
PowerPoint presentation about how to detail the cost categories in your project application.
(657.64 KB)
Project budget: Part 2 - Cost categories
PowerPoint presentation about how to detail your cost categories in your project application.
(715.83 KB)
Project budget: Cost category - External expertise
PowerPoint presentation about filling in the external expertise cost category in your project application.
(624.77 KB)