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Webinar: Corona experience of Czech companies in a cross-border region

15 Jul 2020
Clock 11 : 30 - 12 : 00 CEST
Location Online Germany
By Other
Join a webinar on 15 July at 11:00 (CEST) and learn about the experience of enterprises during the corona crises in a cross-border region between the Czech Republic and Germany.
It is the fourth webinar in a series of six webinars with experts from Bavaria and the Czech Republic. The series is organised by the offices of Lower Bavaria, Upper Palatinate and Upper Franconia.
You can join the webinar at the following link: https://beratungsbueros.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=66b16ab1158e67bf2eacf0541&id=858dd77fb2&e=cdf92e16f4
The event is in German and Czech.