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Stakeholders met in Poland

By Project NACAO

In the 2nd Stakeholder group meeting organised on the 28th of February took part 10 individuals – representatives of the Marshal Office of Swietokrzyskie Region and the stakeholders -  institutions related to the climate topic, such as Kielce University of Technology, a Complex of State Forests, County Office in Jedrzejow.

The first issue presented and discussed during the meeting was the situational analysis of natural offsets of carbon dioxide emissions prepared by the Department of Nature and Climate as part of the NACAO project. Magdalena Pokora - Head of the Nature Conservation Branch, Department of Nature and Climate presented also the Programme for Environmental Protection 2030 adopted by the Voivodeship Board as a regional policy instrument indicated for the NACO project. It is a tool that creates environmental policy in our voivodeship, setting out directions of activities that are the basic criterion for obtaining national and EU funds.

The good practice “Naturalization of the inland delta of Nida River” related to reducing carbon dioxide emissions was presented by Wojciech Sołtysiak, representative of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks. The practice was presented also in the Partners Meeting in Finland.

Also a summary of good practices implemented by NACAO project partners was introduced to the stakeholders. Practices related to reducing carbon dioxide emissions based on the knowledge gained during the seminar in Finland

The NACAO - Nature-based Carbon Offsets - project is implemented under the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 program and is funded by the ERDF. The project partners are the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship - Department of Investment and Development with the cooperation of the Department of Nature and Climate.

Carbon economy
Climate change
Regional policy