European Elections 2024: A crucial moment for interregional cooperation
Europe is getting ready for important European Parliament elections from 6 to 9 June 2024.
Many important decisions in Europe start with you. Not only that — voting gives more legitimacy to the choices made by European officials.
By sending in your ballot, you can indirectly have your say in things like the Cohesion Policy and its implementation. For example, which projects will be co-financed in the future? Will the focus areas be green projects, digital innovation, citizen engagement, security measures or streamlining administrative processes.
Plus, the newly elected Members of the European Parliament will be future co-legislators for Interreg programmes.
Why does engagement from young people matter?
For the younger generation, the upcoming European Parliament elections represent a unique opportunity to shape the future of Europe. Their voice matters more than ever, as the decisions made in Brussels will have a direct impact on their lives in areas such as education, employment, climate action and digital rights. So make sure to encourage the young people around you to vote!.
The upcoming European Parliament elections, however, is a crucial opportunity for everyone, regardless of age. Let's rally together and ensure that voices from all generations are heard in this important democratic process.
Are you voting for the first time?
If it's your first time participating in the European Parliament elections, you're taking a big step. Your vote isn't just about where you live, it's about the kind of Europe you want to see for everyone. Your voice matters, and by casting your vote, you're helping to build a Europe that's fair, inclusive and responsive to the needs of all its people.
Make your voice heard
Democracy is what makes us. Cast your vote in the European elections on 6-9 June 2024.