Industry 4.0 and the SMEs digital transition: Episode 2
10 Nov 2021
14 : 05 - 17 : 00 CET

The Policy Learning Platform is back with a new workshop series! Following the high demand for addressing Industry 4.0 and digitalisation topics among the Interreg Europe community members, we designed two consecutive online workshops dedicated to this topic and from two different perspectives.
On 10 November 2021, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET we are organising the second and last workshop of the series. It will focus on fostering the adoption of digital technologies and development of digital capacities and skills by mostly traditional European SMEs.
Digitalisation has often been called the "fourth industrial revolution". The digital transformation of the European economy and public sector is of vital importance to ensure Europe’s competitive advantage in the global economy and to deliver growth and jobs.
It offers new business opportunities and can fundamentally change business models. But as it affects the whole value chain from product development to sales, it requires an enterprise-wide change driven by digital technologies.
The transformation process must be integrated into every aspect of the company and should be supported by equally important amendments in culture, leadership, skills and processes.
By joining this event, you will learn about the importance of the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 for regional competitiveness.
During this workshop we will:
Over the course of an afternoon, we will bring to you three consecutive sessions of about 45 to 60 minutes structured as follows:
This will be followed by a moderated panel discussion where our experts and speakers will share testimonials on policy improvements.
During this 60-minute session, you will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive online exchange divided into two parallel working groups on:
Both working groups will start with three presentations of good practices coming from different Interreg Europe projects, followed by a a reflection from a discussant and a Q&A session moderated by our Thematic Experts.
During the last session, rapporteurs will share with the audience the outcomes of the working groups.
This will be followed by a closing keynote speech on Funding for Digital in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. You will also be able to ask all the questions you may have to the speaker during a short Q&A session.
More information about the programme can be found in the draft event agenda.
Do you have questions regarding our services? or regarding a policy challenge that your region is facing?
At the end of the workshop, starting at 17.00, our Thematic Experts Luc Schmerber, Mart Veliste, René Tonnisson will be available for an online policy helpdesk. Make sure to book your 10-minute individual meeting!
What will it be about?
Digitalisation has often been called the "fourth industrial revolution". The digital transformation of the European economy and public sector is of vital importance to ensure Europe’s competitive advantage in the global economy and to deliver growth and jobs.
It offers new business opportunities and can fundamentally change business models. But as it affects the whole value chain from product development to sales, it requires an enterprise-wide change driven by digital technologies.
The transformation process must be integrated into every aspect of the company and should be supported by equally important amendments in culture, leadership, skills and processes.
What will you learn?
By joining this event, you will learn about the importance of the digital transformation and Industry 4.0 for regional competitiveness.
During this workshop we will:
- Highlight policies and good practices from the Interreg Europe community on skills improvement and digital transformation steps,
- Exchange on the main challenge to improve European SMEs' digital skills and the adoption of digital technologies,
- Identify potential future actions to be launched on the regional or transnational level.
What is the event format?
Over the course of an afternoon, we will bring to you three consecutive sessions of about 45 to 60 minutes structured as follows:
Session I: Introduction and opening keynotes
You will join an interactive and inspiring session with a keynote speech on the digital transformation of SMEs – challenges and opportunities.
This will be followed by a moderated panel discussion where our experts and speakers will share testimonials on policy improvements.
Session II: Working groups
During this 60-minute session, you will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive online exchange divided into two parallel working groups on:
Improving digital skills of businesses,
- Kickstarting the digital transformation of businesses.
Both working groups will start with three presentations of good practices coming from different Interreg Europe projects, followed by a a reflection from a discussant and a Q&A session moderated by our Thematic Experts.
Session III: Plenary Session & Closing Keynote
During the last session, rapporteurs will share with the audience the outcomes of the working groups.
This will be followed by a closing keynote speech on Funding for Digital in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. You will also be able to ask all the questions you may have to the speaker during a short Q&A session.
More information about the programme can be found in the draft event agenda.
Policy helpdesk
Do you have questions regarding our services? or regarding a policy challenge that your region is facing?
At the end of the workshop, starting at 17.00, our Thematic Experts Luc Schmerber, Mart Veliste, René Tonnisson will be available for an online policy helpdesk. Make sure to book your 10-minute individual meeting!
Other industry 4.0 and SME digital transition workshop
- Industry 4.0 and the SMEs digital transition: Episode 1 on 3 November 2021 from 14:00 to 17:00 CET