Covid-19 Stability Fund for Community and Voluntary, Charity and Social Enterprises
The fund was a specific measure introduced by the Irish Government to support voluntary organisations whose income was severely affected by the Covid pandemic.
Singular Projects for the socioeconomic reactivation COVID-19 for social economy enterprises
Grants to create employment through new business projects, new enterprises, new business lines or new markets, in the frame of social and cooperative economy
Web-based platform for social enterprises - sjä
A web-based platform for improving the conditions of social enterprises, public procurement and enterprises who want to do business with social enterprises.
The new Regional Trilateral convention between the Emilia-Romagna Region, trade unions and companies (deliberation n.2022, 29/11/2021): new beneficiaries, more stable workplaces for disadvantaged workers and a renewed relation between for profit and non-p
At the end of 2021, Emilia-Romagna Region and the regional key stakeholders formulated a new trilateral agreement for labour inclusion of marginal people.
Analysis of the outputs and outcomes of the locally relevant projects promoted by voluntary organisations and associations for social promotion. E-R REGION (DGR 689/2019)
Emilia-Romagna Region supports 107 social projects locally territorially relevant promoted by Voluntary Organisations and Associations for Social Promotion.
A patient, revenue-based repayment model to help SEs obtain the capital needed, offering a more flexible repayment approach to match start-up & grow ambitions.
‘ReComp’ ('FelVállal' in Hungarian) is a project implemented under the call EDIOP-5.3.1-14 to propagate flexible/family-friendly labour forms in Hungary.
When social needs merge with research, innovation and environmental sustainability
Local entities founded “La Città Verde” to promote social/labor inclusion. Public-private investments created a circular economy process and a competitive SE
The Community Services Programme provides funding to community businesses to address local social needs and is managed by Pobal for the Irish Government.
Agriculture is social: employment & environmental strategies lead to the birth of a market oriented
8 municipalities & the Local Health Unit created a recreational place for people out of job. Over the years, the meeting point has become a market-oriented farm