AHA’s goal is to develop a new generation of ICT based solutions that have the potential to transform healthcare by optimizing resource allocation reducing cost
promoting innovation areas of strategic intervention with relevance to economic and social activity in the region and in line with the strategy RIS3 RAM.
Growth of the quality of medical services in rural areas using a tele-medicine informatic system
At the level of the family doctor, a better management of chronic health problems with major impact on the elderly, with the support of tele- medicine.
CARERSUPPORT - innovative platform for informal carers' training, orientation and collaboration
An innovative platform for informal carers who are the backbone of long-term care systems but at risk due to chronic stress generated by caring activities.
OLDES - Quadruple-helix cooperation for ICT platform with entertainment and health service
The brilliant project example of quadruple-helix cooperation between public authority, municipality, local health authority, business, university and end-users.
European Network for FALL Prevention, Intervention & Security E NO Falls
A HUB concentrating conclusions, references, ICT solutions repository, links to all issues related to fall prevention, detection, intervention and safety.
ATHEALTH CENTER - tackling complex issues in health/home care with collaborative research
ATHealth ensures conditions for applied research for technological innovation in health/home care strengthening the cooperation in regional innovation chains.