The Finland EDIH Service Catalogue is a platform developed by Finnish EDIHs to streamline service access for SMEs and public service providers across the EU.
SixLabs Playbook for Industrial Testing and Pilot Environments
The SixLabs Playbook provides guidelines and models for effective use of research, development, and teaching infrastructures, benefiting owners and users alike.
Conecta HUBS - Grants for collaborative R&D&I projects in the strategic areas of the Galician DIH
Financing of collaborative projects aligned with the specialization areas of the Digital Innovation Hubs considered strategic by Galicia: DIHGIGAL and DATAlife.
The aim of the DigiNet project is to support and promote the digitalisation of SMEs in the South Ostrobothnia region, both at company and network level.
Creation of CIVIL UAVs INITIATIVE by the Regional Government through the Galicia Innovation Agency
Galicia Regional Government initiative to attract investments in aerospace, develop innovative solutions in the UAVs field and promote the regional industry.
Delivering the future: Mechelen’s cargobike subsidy program.
Mechelen published 4 years in a row a subsidy scheme for cargobikes. If you bought a cargobike as an entrepeneur in Mechelen, you could receive a subsidy.
Connecting with stakeholders: signing a joint covenant on sustainable urban logistics.
Mechelen started with a logistics stakeholder platform and published a covenant with the sector aliging on the joint goal to reach 0-emission logistics by 2030