Public-private startup accelerators in regional business support ecosystems
This policy brief discusses public-private partnership-based accelerator models being set up as a response to the challenge of identifying and supporting innovative startups.
As buildings account for 40% of energy consumption in the EU and more than 35% of CO2 emissions, improving their energy performance has become a key policy aim in order to meet long-term climate and emissions targets.
The role of staff exchange and mobility schemes in accelerating policy transfer
This policy brief presents some examples of mobility and staff exchange schemes that have been deployed within Interreg Europe projects, notably to support innovation and cluster programme development.
This policy brief highlights policies and approaches which have been taken to prevent and reduce food waste, with focus on EU waste policy developments and regional actions.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans are planning instruments for cities that encourage joint decision-making across sectors and between stakeholders, for providing high-quality, sustainable mobility.
Protection and sustainable management of heritage in coastal and fluvial regions
This policy brief presents the main challenges that coastal and fluvial regions are facing with regards to protection and sustainable management of cultural and natural heritage assets
Towards synergies between S3P-Industry and Interreg Europe projects
This policy brief identifies potential complementarities and synergies between partnerships of the Smart Specialisation Thematic Platform for Industrial Modernisation (S3P-Industry) and Interreg Europe projects.
Role of green public procurement in improving resource efficiency
Public procurements representing approximately 19% of EU GDP. By using procurement as a tool strategic policy goals can be reached. This policy brief addresses the EU policies, approaches and good practices aimed at promoting green public procurement.
Governance change for energy efficiency in buildings
This policy brief presents the work done in Interreg Europe projects, looking at how governance and behavioural change can support the transition to low carbon energy.
The Vanguard Initiative seeks to support interregional cooperation notably through industrial clusters and innovation ecosystems creating new competitive advantages for Europe, member states, and regions.