This policy brief identifies potential complementarities and synergies between partnerships of the Smart Specialisation Thematic Platform for Industrial Modernisation (S3P-Industry) and Interreg Europe projects.
Public procurements representing approximately 19% of EU GDP. By using procurement as a tool strategic policy goals can be reached. This policy brief addresses the EU policies, approaches and good practices aimed at promoting green public procurement.
This policy brief presents the work done in Interreg Europe projects, looking at how governance and behavioural change can support the transition to low carbon energy.
The Vanguard Initiative seeks to support interregional cooperation notably through industrial clusters and innovation ecosystems creating new competitive advantages for Europe, member states, and regions.
The regional ecosystem scoreboard is a statistical tool, designed for policy-makers responsible for regional, industrial, innovation, and cluster policies. It helps to identify bottlenecks of the regional eco-system that may hold back the
overall performance of the regional economy.
This policy brief considers the mechanisms that can be used to foster the participation of citizens in cultural heritage projects and the value which this can bring.