About the project
Tourism industries were most affected by the pandemic and faced major challenges to cope with the twin transition. The update of the EU Industrial Strategy highlighted the need to accelerate green and digital (twin) transition and increase the resilience of EU industrial ecosystems. The impact of COVID19 has highlighted the importance of resilience under unexpected shocks and stresses. Regions are facing two critical issues in tourism: leveraging the benefits of digital transformation and ensuring the implementation of sustainable tourism policies. The twin transition will reinforce sustainability with technology and enable sustainable digital transformation for EU tourism related MSMEs. This project will identify and exchange good practices for improving the twin transition in Tourism related MSMEs towards Industry 4.0. The use of digital approaches and technology solutions can accelerate sustainability policies and create more responsive, intelligent and inclusive strategies.
Summary - IREUR-Project TOURBO.pdf
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
Policy owners, mainly Regional or National Authorities and mainly from France, Belgium and Netherlands. Especially if the manage ERDF OP in their region.